Monday May 01, 2023
77. The Toronto Van Attack
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
Thankfully, Canada has not been the site of too many mass casualty events. Anyone that lives here knows that crime if not something that is dormant, but we can at least say that we do not find ourselves in situations like what happened on April 23rd, 2018 too often. If you live anywhere near Toronto, Ontario, you likely remember where you were, what you were doing and how you heard about the tragic event that took the lives of 11 people and injured 15 more. That was the day that a man who was mad at the world and part of the incel movement that is still gaining notoriety today took it upon himself to rent a van and drive through one of the busiest areas in Toronto mowing people down cold-heartedly and unmercilessly.
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Intro Music: Provided by Gallagher Music
Monday Apr 24, 2023
76. The Murder of Tristyn Bailey
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
One of the most common sentiments that I think is seen in the world around us these days is that the world is becoming a scarier and scarier place regardless of what you look at and what you see in your direct circle of friends and family. One thing that I believe is certain is that our children and our teens are growing up faster and growing up in a world that is much more rife with anger, mental health struggles and sometime a complete and utter lack of regard or awareness from parents. Sadly, far too often those struggles lead to stories like the one that I am covering today. This story is a recent one as the life sentence was just doled out on March 24th of 2023. This case covers what appears from all angles to be a case of a young man who was completely lost without checks and balances and a young girl who lost her life for seemingly no other reason than that young man wanting to fulfill a fantasy of murder.Â
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Intro Music: Provided by Gallagher Music
Monday Apr 17, 2023
75. The West Mesa Murders
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
In this podcast and in true crime as a whole there is one certainty. That certainty is that there are likely even more unsolved cases out there than there are solved cases that we can tell the stories of. Perhaps the worst of the worst is when you have a case where there are multiple murders that could very well be a case of a serial killer. This week we are going to talk about one of those cases. 11 women’s remains were found buried in 2009 in the desert on the West Mesa of Albuquerque, New Mexico and it is unknown if those are all of the victims of whatever happened in that area. These murders have been hypothesized to have either been the victims of a serial killer or the victims of a sex trafficking ring. Either way, all 11 of these women had their lives taken from them way too soon and to this day they still have an err of mystery surrounding them and they have the indignity of not having the end of their story shared and the guilty party or parties named.Â
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Intro Music: Provided by Gallagher Music
Monday Apr 10, 2023
74. The Eleanor Williams Story
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
As a true crime podcast one thing is true of the vast majority of the cases that we cover. There is generally someone within the story, whether solved or unsolved who was a criminal of one kind or another. In this week’s case we are going to cover a case that looks at a criminal of a completely different kind than we have ever looked at on the podcast before. In today’s society and with movements like me-too going on around us, let me be clear, we are all for bringing stories to light and getting justice in cases where people need to be punished. However, sadly within that movement and within that environment there are people who lie, manipulate and try to villainize people who did not commit crimes simply out of some other desire, often spite. This week we look at a woman who told her story to everyone that would listen and in the end she ruined an untold number of lives. However, in the end she went from preaching the victim to becoming the criminal.Â
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Intro Music: Provided by Gallagher Music
Monday Apr 03, 2023
73. The Disappearance of Morgan Nick
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
When we are children we are warned of stranger danger. We are told that we should not speak to strangers, should not approach vehicles of people that try to talk to us and we are trained to be aware and safe in our surroundings at all times. As parents, our most pressing fear is that all it takes is a moment for one of our babies to be taken from us and perhaps never returned. All it really takes is for an evil person to see a small opportunity to commit an awful act and then you are left with a lifetime of wondering what happened to your sweet child and you are left sleepless wondering whether that child is alive or has passed on. That is what we are going to discuss this week. We are going to discuss a tragic set of circumstances that led to a 6-year-old girl going missing and who is still missing to this day. We are also going to discuss a mother who has gone above and beyond to help people like her.Â
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Intro Music: Provided by Gallagher Music
Monday Mar 27, 2023
72. Dellen Millard and Mark Smich
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
We have all heard the saying at one time or another, money does not buy happiness and regardless of who you are and how much money that you have, you likely have a knee jerk reaction to that statement in one way or another. For one such heir to a family fortune however it would seem that all of the money that he had and had coming to him only caused him to believe that he was untouchable and perhaps led him to believe that he could do anything and get away with it. After all, if money cant buy happiness, it sure can help one cover up a string of murders. This particular playboy is back in the news with his co-killer again now in Canada as they glom up the legal system and try to appeal to their previous murder charges as they currently are in prison for 3 and 2 murders respectively.Â
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Intro Music: Provided by Gallagher Music
Monday Mar 20, 2023
71. The Murder of Kerrie Ann Brown
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
When tragedy strikes, we are taught from a very young age to call 911 or to call the local police and that they will help us out of trouble or help us solve a crime if one has been committed. However, as I have covered on this podcast many times in the past, unfortunately that is not always the way and that is not always the answer. We have covered multiple cases here on GBNF already that show that there are certainly times where the police decide that the easiest answer must be the right answer and then what happens turns out to be the opposite of what we expect from the authorities that are put in place to serve and protect. This week, we are covering what I believe to be one of those cases.  Imagine the heartbreak of having your 15-year-old girl go missing, be found murdered and then watching as an arrest is made only to have the entire case thrown out for lack of evidence. Now imagine what it would be like to have seemingly no more answers 37 years later. Was the killer that smart or were the investigators that inept?Â
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Intro Music: Provided by Gallagher Music
Monday Mar 13, 2023
70. The Kidnappings of Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Obviously in cases where4 someone goes missing for a long time there seem to be two ways that the story can go in the vast majority. Either the person that disappeared had decided that they would move on to a new place and an entirely new life and wipe the slate clean or the worst is eventually confirmed, and those searching find out that their loved one has passed away in one form or fashion or another. However, here on this podcast I always try to spread hope and the belief that it doesn’t always have to be that way. In this week’s case we are going to look at the disappearances of not one, but three people who were missing for quite some time and although they went through hell, eventually, even after most hope was lost, they were returned to the people who were searching for answers.Â
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Intro Music: Provided by Gallagher Music
Monday Mar 06, 2023
69. The Disappearance of Lauren Spierer
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
There are many times in a child’s life that a parent feels are very important points in time. Learning to speak, learning to walk, starting school, the venture into teenaged life and so many others. For any parent, that moment when you watch your son or daughter venture off to post-secondary school for the first time, that is an incredibly important and proud moment. When one particular young woman was dropped off  for her freshman year at Indiana University her parents had no idea that they would be sending her off on a series of events that would lead to her eventual disappearance rather than a path towards a bright and promising future. Now, nearing 12 years later there are still no answers as to what happened, where she went, who she was taken by or whether she is alive or dead today.Â
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Intro Music: Provided by Gallagher Music
Monday Feb 27, 2023
68. The Murder of Blair Adams
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Mystery is one of the things that we see incredibly often within the true crime world. Even when we find answers to stories, there are often even more questions presented that never get answered. That is what makes it appealing to so many people I believe. If you want a mystery, you can find one in most true crime stories and if you want a case that you can chase and hypothesize about forever, true crime also routinely gives you that. This week we are going to talk about a man that went from Surrey, British Columbia, Canada all the way to Knoxville, Tennessee in the United States and wound up dead. This case is one that baffles everyone to this very day. There are almost NO answers to why this man left Canada, went to the United States or did any of the things that he did up until his death. His murder brings even more mystery as there are seemingly no answers as to why someone wanted him dead and how things ended up as they did.Â
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Intro Music: Provided by Gallagher Music
Gone, But Never Forgotten
GBNF is a True Crime Podcast that covers mostly Canadian stories. We cover murders, both solved and unsolved, missing person's cases and so much more. We also do Gone Travellin' episodes where we cover cases of true crime from other countries around the world.
You can follow along with our other "Goners" over on Patreon and support the pod at https://www.patreon.com/GBNFPodcast
At the end of every episode we like to share a #BeBetter story which are stories that are sent in by our listeners that show how people in the world around us go above and beyond to help out their fellow human beings. This is our way of giving some levity after some cases that are truly nothing but dark and dreary.
GBNF is written and produced by Lance Ryan and co-hosted by Lance and his lovely wife Julie Ryan.